A hand picking a man out of a crowd

How To Hire A Copywriter

A hand picking a man out of a crowd


May 7, 2023

Hiring a copywriter will be one of the most important marketing decisions you’ll make for your business. Sure, there are plenty of cheap and fast options through sites like Fiverr and Upwork, but there’s also a high probability that the work will not be to the standard you need. The old adage is usually true here. You really do get what you pay for. So before you make any hiring decisions, make sure you read this article to put you in the best position possible.

Copywriting Tips

A good copywriter is going to be aware of the following, and so you should be too. 

  • Knowing the Audience: Understanding your audience’s needs, interests, and pain points is crucial to creating effective copy.
  • Use of Power Words: Power words are emotionally charged words that can persuade readers to take action. They should be suited to your brand, however, and used at the right time in the right way. Not everything needs to have a sense of urgency for example. 
  • Focus on Benefits, Not Features: Highlighting the benefits of a product or service helps readers understand how it can meet their needs and solve their problems. For example, would you like to learn a 5-minute breathing exercise that can be done anywhere, anytime, that slows down your heart rate? OR, would you like to reduce your anxiety in 5 minutes?
  • Keep it Simple: Clear and concise copy is easier for readers to understand and remember.
  • Test and Refine: Testing different versions of copy can help identify what works best and refine your messaging over time. This is especially true when launching a new business, product or service. 

What to Look for When Hiring a Copywriter

If you’re interviewing or putting out a job ad for a copywriter, or maybe you’re just searching online for someone, look out for or ask about the following skills and qualities.

1. Creativity

A skilled copywriter needs to be creative to come up with messaging that stands out from competitors. They need to be able to think outside the box and craft messaging that is unique to your brand.

2. Research Skills

A skilled copywriter needs to have strong research skills to understand your industry, target audience, and competition. They need to be able to conduct research that informs their messaging.

3. Persuasion

Copywriting is all about persuasion. A skilled copywriter needs to be able to craft messaging that persuades people to take action, whether it’s buying a product, signing up for a service, or supporting an idea.

4. Attention to Detail

Copywriting is not just about crafting a message, but also ensuring that it’s error-free and polished. A skilled copywriter needs to have an eye for detail and be able to proofread their work thoroughly. A good understanding of grammar, and spell checking are a must.

5. Adaptability

A skilled copywriter needs to be adaptable and able to write for different mediums and audiences. They need to be able to adjust their tone, messaging, and style to fit the needs of the project. They need to be able to understand you, your business and brand and your audience’s needs and wants. 

6. Understanding of Marketing and Psychology

A skilled copywriter needs to have an understanding of marketing and psychology. They need to be able to tap into the emotions of their target audience and create messaging that motivates them to take action. 

"I have a very particular set of skills"

How to Find a Skilled Copywriter

Now that you understand the importance of skilled copywriting, you might be wondering how to find a copywriter that meets your business’s needs. Use the following tips as a checklist when reaching out or interviewing. 

1. Look for Experience

When looking for a copywriter, experience will likely cost more, but will also get you a much higher quality of work. Look for a portfolio that showcases their previous work, and make sure that they have experience in your sector/industry and a style of writing that you like and that you could see adapting well to your brand.

2. Check References or Testimonials

Don’t be afraid to ask for references from previous clients or workplaces. This can give you insight into their work ethic and whether they’re reliable. A lot of writers who work freelance, like me, have testimonials on their website or they can be made available at request.

3. Communication is Key

When hiring a copywriter, communication is key. Make sure that they understand your business’s goals and can communicate with you effectively. In this post-pandemic world, more business is done online and remotely than ever before. Video calls, emails, slack, Teams, Trello – there are countless ways to keep in touch. It’s best to set out your expectations before any work starts. For example, if you would like daily or weekly updates and via email rather than slack, ask if this is possible. 

4. Get a Quote

Before hiring a copywriter, get a quote for their services. The more specific you can be with your brief, the better. Copywriting doesn’t just involve actual writing. There may be subject/topic research, keyword research, proofing and editing involved too. So a 1,000-word article may take longer than you think. Some copywriters charge by the hour, some by article, and many have day rates. They can also charge per word or by the project. The better the scope and brief you are able to give, the less room for error or confusion. 

If you’re ready to start gathering this info and find yourself the perfect copywriter, why not start with me! Pop your particulars here with a short note and I’ll be in touch. Or email danielle[at]writersofthelostart.co.uk.

So if you’re looking for the magic. If you need the pzazz. Email me or drop me a message on Instagram.  


Close up of a typewriter with the words 'What your story?' written on the paper

All About Copywriting

Close up of a typewriter with the words 'What your story?' written on the paper


May 4, 2023

Don’t worry. You’re not the first to wonder what a copywriter actually does, or get it mixed up with copyrighting (totally different thing.) If your business is new or just launching online, you might have no idea where to start. So let me introduce you to the world of a copywriter and help you understand why you probably need one. Trust me, it’s going to make those website conversations so much easier.

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is a specialised form of writing that aims to persuade readers to take a specific action, such as buying your product, signing up for a service, or clicking a link. It is a vital component of marketing and advertising that seeks to engage, inform, and compel audiences to act.

“I don’t think anyone wants to be one of a hundred colors in a box.”

What is a Copywriter?

A copywriter is a person with those specialised writing skills, who will write the copy, (words), for your website and other marketing materials such as emails, leaflets, posters and social media posts. There are many different ways to market your business and so you’ll often find that copywriters specialise.


Types of Copywriting

There are several types of copywriting, including:

  • Direct Response Copywriting: This type of copywriting aims to elicit an immediate response from the reader, such as making a purchase or filling out a form.
  • Brand Copywriting: This type of copywriting is focused on creating and promoting a brand image through messaging and storytelling.
  • SEO Copywriting: This type of copywriting aims to improve website rankings and attract organic (unpaid) traffic. It optimises content for both readers and search engines to easily understand.
  • Content Marketing Copywriting: This type of copywriting focuses on creating valuable and informative content that attracts and engages potential customers.

Why is Copywriting Important?

Effective copywriting can drive sales, increase brand awareness, and establish a strong online presence. These days, if you’re not online, you’re missing a huge chunk of potential customers. 


Copywriting allows businesses to communicate their message to their audience in a compelling and persuasive way, as well as helping to establish credibility and build trust with customers. Trust is one of the major signals that search engines use when ranking websites, so it can heavily impact whether you rise to the top or sink to the bottom of search results.

Laptop on a desk and someone writing in a notepad

Help me, help you

Why Use a Copywriter? Why Not Just Do It Yourself?

You wouldn’t try to rewire your own house if you’re not an electrician. Well, you could try, but it would likely end up in disaster and cost you more money to fix.

A skilled copywriter has the knowledge and experience to create a meaningful connection with the reader, tapping into their emotions, and motivating them to act. Getting it right will set successful businesses apart from their competitors. Here’s why hiring a professional is worth it.


1. Increase Sales

Copywriting is all about persuasion. A skilled copywriter can craft a message that resonates with your target audience, leading to more sales. Good copy can convince people to take action and buy your product or service.

2. Improve Brand Awareness

Copywriting is also about creating a unique voice for your brand. Telling your story, your way. A skilled copywriter can create messaging that sets your business apart from others in your industry, by bringing out the authenticity and integrity of your brand. This can lead to improved awareness and recognition.

3. Boost Your Website’s SEO

SEO, or search engine optimisation, is the practice of optimising your website to rank higher in search engine results pages. Skilled copywriting is an integral part of making sure readers and search engines find your website a good experience, full of expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness. These four components, also referred to as E-E-A-T are key points used by Google to assess whether your website is high quality and whether it contains helpful content. 

4. Establish Trust

Trustworthiness is also vital in the relationship you build with your audience. A skilled copywriter can create messaging that establishes trust with your target audience, making it more likely that they will become loyal customers and advocates for you.

5. Save Time

If you’re a busy business owner, you likely don’t have time to craft high-quality messaging for your business. Hiring an experienced copywriter can save you time and stress, allowing you to focus on other essential aspects of your business.

So if you’re looking for the magic. If you need the pzazz. Email me or drop me a message on Instagram.  



Website Updates



March 10, 2021

"Oh, it's alive! It's alive! It's alive!"

Is Updating A Website Ever Really Over?

Nope! It’s not. I won’t lie. It’s like a house. You start on one room, move on to the next and by the time you’ve finished the whole house you need to start again. Unless the dog has chewed the carpet in the living room or the kids have drawn on the walls. Then you might need to go back sooner than planned. But, at least I’m under no illusion.

I did however want to let you know that as I’m in the early days of this website, it will probably change and be updated most weeks for the foreseeable future.


That’s because I’m loading it with content. Refining my offering. Making sure that I give you the info you need when you come here. And I’m open to any feedback.

So, if you spot anything iffy – a page that doesn’t work, or lead to the right info, or there’s something you’d like to see me write about, I’d love to hear from you.

Tell me about, stud.